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To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.
- Doug Conant, CEO of Campbell's Soup


Research shows that gender equity in leadership expands the talent pool, strengthens company culture, boosts productivity, and drives superior organizational performance, delivering measurable business outcomes.

WHY ATHENA | Athena is a global women’s advocacy organization that fast-tracks women in STEM through its leadership development, mentoring, and global advocacy initiatives. By transforming scientists and technologists into corporate leaders, the goal is to widen the bridge and advance 1 million women leading in STEM by 2030. Its 25-year history of advancing women in a global STEM hub marks Athena as the premier women’s empowerment advocate.

STEM companies partner with Athena for the development of their female leaders and male allies and the advocacy for equality that we pursue together in the workplace. Accessing Athena's portfolio of 50+ annual leadership programs accelerates the DEI goals and ESG compliance for STEM companies and the associated service providers.


  • Athena offers corporate partnerships and individual memberships to STEM professionals accessing its suite of leadership development, mentoring, and advocacy initiatives.


  • Athena's niche is in providing custom, purpose-built platforms with the latest leadership training offerings that allow members and partners to accelerate their career and workforce goals.


These unique differentiators define the Athena Effect:

  • Women In STEM Focused

  • Executive & Aspiring Leaders Career-Level Services

  • Collaborator with the UN Global Compact: SDG5 | Gender Equality

  • 25 Year History

  • Philanthropic Arm

  • Headquartered in Global STEM Hub


  • Ai | Athena Intelligence delivers actionable data driving gender equity and performance.

  • Support Athena’s mission to empower more professional women leading in STEM. 

  • Gain visibility inside Athena’s business network through its 6,500+ STEM stakeholder and member portfolio. 

  • Advance your STEM career goals through 50+ local and state leadership development programs.

  • Drive your business development strategy through cross-sector networking and mentoring initiatives.

  • Elevate your leadership brand and become eligible to serve on one of Athena’s committees that promote confidence, career, and community. 

  • Join Athena and the United Nations Global Compact to achieve workforce gender equality. 

  • Gain access to women in STEM benchmarking reports and white papers. 

  • Keep informed with weekly newsletters, social media campaigns, vlogs, blogs, and market research publications.

  • Give back where it counts through mentoring.


Access Athena's convening power of STEM leaders to generate new business.

Showcase your company's thought leadership and commitment to diversity and inclusion. 


Athena offers event sponsorship opportunities for its 50 annual programs that provide companies with 1) Market Access 2) Buyer Engagement 3) Digital Reach and 4) Community Impact. Here is a sample of the leadership programs we offer:

  • Signature Series is one of the most popular leadership programs spanning workforce challenges and solutions across all STEM sectors. This thought-provoking program Series provides success strategies by CEOs, domain experts and entrepreneurs.  

  • Athena’s Influential affinity (SIG) committees produce a combined 10-12 annual programs each focusing on sector-specific hot topics and industry trends.

  •  Athena's Annual Lifting While Climbing Summit convenes 500+ business leaders, industry influencers and STEM stakeholders to celebrate the STEM leaders of today and tomorrow.  

  • Athena’s MentorFest program utilizes a speed-networking style format featuring curated mentors and mentees, creating an intimate avenue for engagement and learning.

  • Athena’s coveted CEO/CFO/CXO Forums are intimate dinners designed to introduce and bolster this distinguished community of C-suite peers in the STEM ecosystem. 


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