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Athena Helping to Modernize California Boardrooms with its Women On Boards Series

As California public companies prepare to comply with the state’s Board Gender Diversity Mandate (SB 826) -effective July 2021- this CA law requires a minimum of two women directors on boards with five directors and at least three women on boards with six or more directors.

As California’s premier women’s leadership advocate, Athena is filling this talent demand to modernize corporate boardrooms through its Athena on Boards Series (AOB). 

The AOB Series offers a 3-part workshop that equips female leaders in STEM with the knowledge, networks and boardroom placement strategies essential to securing a board appointment. Participants are also assigned to a dedicated mentoring group of 4-6 STEM executives that drives accountability and uncovers how to: 1) identify and articulate their boardroom superpower, 2) design and tailor their search strategy; 3) understand the different board types, compensation structures and committees and 4) activate their network in ways that are direct, intentional and effective.

Athena is launching its third AOB Series on June 30 that will feature graduates of the last cohort and have since been appointed to boards. They will share their boardroom journey, what strategies were most effective and what element in their search proved most consequential in their appointments.

“I am grateful for Athena’s on Boards Series as a learning vehicle to understand the board process,” said Sita Lowman, VP & General Manager, Platform Services Integrated Practice at DXC Technologies. Lowman was appointed to the board of One Stop Systems (NASDAQ: OSS) in June, 2020. “I am especially grateful for the amazing mentorship and coaching I received from my Mentor, Carrie Stone and to Athena CEO, Holly Smithson for her introduction to the OSS Chairman of the Board. I learned that obtaining board positions is all about the network and the Athena program made this a reality for me.”

Kathleen DeLaney, Chief Marketing Officer at KOFAX received an appointment to the San Diego Youth Symphony board and credits AOB with “......helping me to be more confident and prepared when interviewing for potential board seats. Beyond knowing what a board does, AOB helped me understand what specific value I could bring to an organization and where I should focus my search.”

Athena board member and AOB Mentor Jaye Connoly-LaBelle shared her insights. “As a Mentor, I learned that what is intuitive for some is not intuitive for others. There are rock stars among us and some just need to be pushed onto the stage to shine.”

Interested parties ready to pursue your boardroom ambitions whether it's public, private or non-profit boards, you’re invited to register for the next virtual AOB Series on June 30.


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