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Athena Announces LWC Summit Speakers

Updated: Oct 18, 2022


OCTOBER 26 | 4:30-7:30p PT | BUY TICKETS

LIVE @Qualcomm | 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego or Via MS Teams

The modern corporate movement to embrace DEI as central elements of business success is fast

becoming institutionalized across the American business landscape and beyond. And at the forefront of every historical journey are leaders with a shared vision and clear time horizons.

The future belongs to those that can tackle this systematically, and you won’t want to miss the impact from the Dvisionaries @ aTyr Pharmaceuticals, Encore Capital, Mitchell, PWC, Qualcomm, SDG&E, and Tandem Diabetes Care. As employees, investors, and customers demand values-based transparency on the way businesses treat their employees, society is looking to purpose-driven corporate leaders for the way forward.

CLICK HERE to access these DEI thought leaders and purchase your ticket to this STEM EVENT of the Year and join our 500+ STEM community as we celebrate, connect and advance our region’s vision to become a destination for diversity.


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